Help Your Marriage Survive The Rough Spots

Every marriage has its ups and downs, its rough periods. Even in the best of circumstances, there are going to be difficult times.
People change.
Circumstances change.
Emotions change.
Over time, the natural ebb and flow of everyday life places incredible pressure on a relationship.
Almost unnoticed at first, you begin to think thoughts that had once been unthinkable. "I love him, but I'm not in love with him. Not anymore." "I'm not attracted to her, not like I was in the beginning." "Maybe if we separated for awhile ..."
The skies can darken in a hurry.
But if you survive these darkest of times, you may find you emerge with a stronger, more trusting relationship than you ever imagined possible.
Here are a few tips that might help you toward that goal ...
== Have a clear understanding of your expectations. Couples rarely take the time to discuss how the little things will work. What does romance mean to each of you? How will the finances be handled? How will your children be raised? What role will religion play in your relationship? What makes you feel loved? What hurts you? How will arguments be resolved? How will decisions be made? What do you need from your spouse, what does your spouse need from you?
== Don't fight unfairly. There will always be disagreements. Deal with the matter at hand. Don't drudge up all your hurts and disappointments from the past. Those are different matters, to be handled separately, at a different time. Keep focused on the issue under discussion and avoid muddying the waters with generalized personal attacks ("You're always nagging." "You never do anything unless I tell you to do it first.")
== Face the issues that are facing you. Hiding from reality never leads to a happy ending. If you're experiencing financial problems, admit it, get it out in the open.
== Be honest with yourself. Take a step back and give yourself a good long look in the mirror. If your behavior is undermining your relationship (whether it's the way you communicate, or how you treat your spouse, or your personal destructive behavior) own up to it.
== Take the initiative. Understand that waiting for your spouse to change first will likely result in no change at all. Actions come first. Thoughts and feelings follow. Change your behaviors and watch your spouse's behaviors change in response.
== Rebuild compatibility. Time has a way of unveiling the differences between couples, especially when your marriage is in trouble. Seek out those interests you have in common with your spouse. Look for opportunities to share activities together. Perhaps it's ballroom dancing, or photography, or camping, or trips to the beach.
== Remember what it was like when you were dating. What was it that first attracted you to your spouse? What made you first fall in love? How can those feelings be rekindled?
== Keep your sense of humor. Life is challenging enough without having to live with a brooding, angry spouse. Laugh out loud the way you did when you were a kid. Happiness is a choice. Exercise it.
Marriage is a sacred vow to love your partner for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till ... well you know the rest. Unfortunately, for many people, the pressures, challenges, and monotony of married life have doused its wonderful positive aspects.
Maybe it's time to rekindle the magic.

Salsa Dance Steps - The Difference Between On1

Have you ever wondered why one salsa dancer seems to take salsa dance steps one way while another takes them a complete different way. Well, let me clear up any confusion you might have.

First of all, there are many different styles of salsa dancing: Puerto Rican Style, New York Style, Miami Style, Colombian Style, LA Style, Cuban Style, and some even claim Aussie Style and London Style. However, no matter what style of salsa you dance all salsa dance steps and styles can be categorized into two main categories: On1

DANCE FLOOR ACADEMY (lead by Shaheem Sanchez)

DANCE FLOOR ACADEMY (lead by Shaheem Sanchez)

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Kids Love Dance! @ Studio Percussion

Kids Love Dance! @ Studio Percussion

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Bollywood Film Dance

Bollywood dancing is becoming popular everywhere in the world. People in cities like Los Angles in California are crazy about bollywood dance steps. They take private classes or join a bollywood dance academy to learn bollywood classical dance Kathak, Bhangra and other dances.

Bollywood Choreographers make it easy to understand Hindi or bollywood film dance. A choreographer of Indian origin can better assist you learning bollywood dances.It’s always eye-pleasing to see bollywood dances and probably you will think to learn bollywood dancing yourself because it looks very simple. But an experienced bollywood choreographer knows the dances steps and how to learn them easily. It is easy to join any Bollywood dance School in your area or take a private class.

Any bollywood dance company academy can be of great assistance to learn bollywood dance lessons, like NDM dance productions school in Los Angles. The school is established by Nakul Dev Mahajan to provide dance classes in Los Angeles, California. Its bollywood dance troupe is continuously delivering award winning performances. Recently they won 4 beauty pageant titles. If you reside around or in Los Angles, this bollywood dancing academy is the best available option to learn Hindi dance lessons from.

Indian bollywood dance has come a long way in popularity and technique. Bollywood dancing works out your entire body, its hand eye co-ordination at its best. Many dance competition are being held in India where Farah Khan, Saroj khan and other big choreographers are present as judge. People like to enjoy the dances but altogether they want to see the professionalism and perfection in the performances. Any bollywood dancing school/studio can help you to become a dancing professional or occasional performer. If you are a dance lover, I would recommend joining NDM dance Studios or contact Nakul Dev Mahajan for a private lesson. You can hire them for private dance lessons, pageant training, TV show production choreography, wedding first dance and any other social event training.

Source: dancing.php, dancing.php

Dance Shoes - Hip-Hop

Dance Shoes - Hip-Hop

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